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Keycloak Connector Server is an opinionated utility library built to ease integration of keycloak into existing nodejs Express or Fastify servers following the FAPI Security Profile 1.0 (baseline & advanced).

Simple Keycloak connector for Node.js projects using Fastify or Express

Configuring and securing Keycloak

Configure Realm Sessions/Tokens

  1. Realm Settings -> Sessions
    • SSO Session Idle: 4 hours (recommended)
      • obtaining new access tokens with a refresh token resets this clock
    • SSO Session Max: 1 day (recommended)
      • regardless of a user's activity, their sessions will end at the max time
    • The rest can be as desired or blank/zero to inherit
  2. Realm Settings -> Tokens
    • Default signature algo: PS256
    • Revoke refresh token: Enabled
    • Refresh token max reuse: 0
    • Access token lifespan: 15 minutes (recommended)
      • this must be shorter than SSO session idle timeout

Configure Client

  1. Select client -> Advanced -> (change 5 settings)
    • Access token signature algorithm: PS256
    • ID token signature algorithm: PS256
    • User info signed response algorithm: PS256
    • Request object signature algorithm: PS256
    • Authorization response signature algorithm: PS256

It is imperative to enable fapi-1-baseline and fapi-1-advanced client profiles to ensure complete FAPI compliance.

Secure Client: Activate Client Profiles

  1. Select realm -> Configure -> Realm Settings
  2. Client policies tab
  3. Policies tab
  4. Create client policy -> Save
  5. Add Condition
    • Condition Type: client-access-type
    • Client Access Type: confidential
  6. Add Client Profile
    • fapi-1-baseline
    • fapi-1-advanced

Once complete, navigate to any client's settings page and hit save. Fix any save errors that are a result of the new policy.

Final step: Disable mTLS via OAuth 2.0 Mutual TLS Certificate Bound Access Tokens Enabled option on the Advanced tab.

Getting started with Fastify

Required packages

Disable or remove default scopes

  • Manage -> Client Scopes -> (any scope)
  • Either
    • A) Change assigned type to "Optional"
    • B) Remove from access token
      • Click scope name -> Mappers -> Select Mapper
      • Disable add to ID token (if able)
      • Disable add to access token

Install (for Fastify)

npm i keycloak-connector-server @fastify/static

Setup the server

import Fastify from 'fastify';
import {keycloakConnectorFastify} from 'keycloak-connector';

// Configure fastify
const fastify = Fastify({
pluginTimeout: 120000, // Recommended to allow for up to two minutes

// Initialize the connector
fastify.register(keycloakConnectorFastify, {
authServerOrigin: 'http://localhost:8080',
realm: 'the-sky',
clientId: 'tactical-airlift',
pinoLogger: fastify.log

// Start the server
try {
await fastify.listen({port: 3000, host: ''});
} catch (err) {

By default, once the keycloakConnectorFastify plugin is registered, all unauthenticated requests are blocked.

Add routes

import {RoleLocations} from "keycloak-connector-server";

// Public route
fastify.get('/', {config: {public: true}}, async (request, reply) => {
return 'I am publicly accessible, no login needed.';

// Default non-public route
fastify.get('/not-public', async (request, reply) => {
return 'I am not public, but I do not require any particular roles to access.';

// Shorthand route configuration
fastify.get('/cool-person', {config: {roles: ['COOL_PERSON', 'NICE_PERSON']}}, async (request, reply) => {
return 'I am not public and I require either the `cool_person` or `nice_person` role granted under this keycloak client to access.';

// Extended route configuration
fastify.get('/cool-person', {config: {roles: {[RoleLocations.REALM_ACCESS]: ['realm_lead']}}}, async (request, reply) => {
return 'I am not public and I require the `realm_lead` role granted under the current keycloak realm to access.';

Getting started with Express

Required packages

Setup the server

import express from 'express';
import {keycloakConnectorExpress} from "keycloak-connector-server";
import cookieParser from "cookie-parser";
import logger from "pino-http"; // Optional, see below

// Grab express app
const app = express();

// Register the cookie parser

// Initialize the keycloak connector
const lock = await keycloakConnectorExpress(app, {
serverOrigin: 'http://localhost:3005',
authServerUrl: 'http://localhost:8080/',
realm: 'local-dev',
refreshConfigMins: -1, // Disable for dev testing
pinoLogger: logger().logger, // Optional, but without pinologger, log messages are supressed (ie. error, warn, etc...)

// Start server
const port = 5000;
app.listen(port, () => {
console.log(`I'm alive on ${port}`);

Add routes

import {RoleLocations} from "keycloak-connector-server";

// Public route (default)
app.get('/', (req, res) => {
// Send the response

// Non-public route
app.get('/not-public', lock(), (req, res) => {
// Send the response
res.send('hey, but hidden behind login!');

// Shorthand route configuration
app.get('/wow', lock(['cool_person', 'nice_person']), (req, res) => {
// Send the response
res.send('hey, but you have to have either the `cool_person` or `nice_person` roles');

// Extended route configuration
app.get('/wow', lock({roles: {[RoleLocations.REALM_ACCESS]: ['realm_lead']}}), (req, res) => {
// Send the response
res.send('hey, but you have to have the `realm_lead` role for this realm');

Restricting an entire router

Due to how Express handles middleware, a lock does not work in parallel or override a previous lock. Instead, they each stack on each other, making a route more restrictive.

const router = express.Router();

// Lock all routes in this router behind a login page
// (must place before declaring any other routes for it to be effective)

// Public route ***will not work since entire router is locked!
router.get('/', lock(false), (req, res) => {
// Send the response

// Non-public route (default)
router.get('/not-public', (req, res) => {
// Send the response
res.send('hey, but hidden behind login!');


Specifying Role Requirements

RoleRules (simple)

When passed a simple array, keycloak-connector-server will interpret this as a list of roles required for the current client (overridable by configuring defaultResourceAccessKey). Roles assumed to be logically OR'd unless wrapped inside an inner array where those roles are logically AND'd.

// A user must either have the `nice_person` role OR have both the `mean_person` AND `has_counselor` roles
const requiredRoles = ['nice_person', ['mean_person', 'has_counselor']];

/** Typescript Example */
import {RoleRules} from "keycloak-connector-server";
enum Roles {
nice_person = "nice_person",
mean_person = "mean_person",
has_counselor = "has_counselor"
const requiredRolesTs: RoleRules<Roles> = [Roles.nice_person, [Roles.mean_person, Roles.has_counselor]];


Used when requiring roles from a client other than the current (or as configured withdefaultResourceAccessKey) client. Each client is logically AND'd together.

// A user must have either `eat_toast` OR `eat_bread` for `other_client` AND ALSO have the `make_bread` role for `random_client`
const requiredRoles = {
other_client: ['eat_toast', 'eat_bread'],
random_client: ['make_bread'],

/** Typescript Example */
import {ClientRole} from "keycloak-connector-server";
type CombinedRoles = OtherClientRoles | RandomClientRoles;
enum OtherClientRoles {
eat_toast = "eat_toast",
eat_bread = "eat_bread",
enum RandomClientRoles {
make_bread = "make_bread"
enum Clients {
other_client = "other_client",
random_client = "random_client"
const requiredRolesTs: ClientRole<Clients, CombinedRoles> = {
[Clients.other_client]: [OtherClientRoles.eat_toast, OtherClientRoles.eat_bread],
[Clients.random_client]: [RandomClientRoles.make_bread],


Used when requiring roles from the realm. Can be used in combination with requiring client roles.

// A user requires ALL of the following:
// - The `buy_house` realm role
// - Either the `eat_toast` or `eat_bread` role for `other_client`
// - The `make_bread` role for `random_client`
const requiredRoles = {
REALM_ACCESS: ['buy_house'],
other_client: ['eat_toast', 'eat_bread'],
random_client: ['make_bread'],

/** Typescript Example */
import {RoleLocation} from "keycloak-connector-server";
type CombinedRoles = RealmRoles | OtherClientRoles | RandomClientRoles;
enum OtherClientRoles {
eat_toast = "eat_toast",
eat_bread = "eat_bread",
enum RandomClientRoles {
make_bread = "make_bread"
enum Clients {
other_client = "other_client",
random_client = "random_client"
enum RealmRoles {
buy_house = "buy_house"
const requiredRolesTs: RoleLocation<CombinedRoles, Clients> = {
[RoleLocations.REALM_ACCESS]: [RealmRoles.buy_house],
[RoleLocations.RESOURCE_ACCESS]: {
[Clients.other_client]: [OtherClientRoles.eat_toast, OtherClientRoles.eat_bread],
[Clients.random_client]: [RandomClientRoles.make_bread],

Array of CombinedRoleRules

Used for situations where multiple complex rules must be OR'd together.

// A user must meet ANY ONE of the following requirements:
// - Have either `eat_toast` OR `eat_bread` for `other_client` AND ALSO have the `make_bread` role for `random_client`
// - Have the `pizza_person` role for the current client
const requiredRoles = [
other_client: ['eat_toast', 'eat_bread'],
random_client: ['make_bread'],

// Typescript example
import {CombinedRoles} from "keycloak-connector-server";
enum Clients {
other_client = "other_client",
random_client = "random_client"
type CombinedRoles = OtherClientRoles | RandomClientRoles | CurrentClientRoles;
enum OtherClientRoles {
eat_toast = "eat_toast",
eat_bread = "eat_bread",
enum RandomClientRoles {
make_bread = "make_bread"
enum CurrentClientRoles {
pizza_person = "pizza_person"
const requiredRolesTs: RequiredRoles<CombinedRoles, Clients> = [
[Clients.other_client]: [OtherClientRoles.eat_toast, OtherClientRoles.eat_bread],
[Clients.random_client]: [RandomClientRoles.make_bread],

Advanced Configuration


export interface KeycloakConnectorConfiguration {
/** The RP server origin */
serverOrigin: string;

/** The OP server url */
authServerUrl: string;

/** The OP realm to use */
realm: string;

/** The RP client data */
oidcClientMetadata: ClientMetadata;

/** TLDR; KC versions < 18 have the /auth _prefix in the url */
keycloakVersionBelow18?: boolean;

/** How often should we ping the OP for an updated oidc configuration */
refreshConfigMins?: number;

/** Pino logger reference */
pinoLogger?: Logger;

/** Custom oidc discovery url */
oidcDiscoveryUrlOverride?: string;

/** Determines where the client will store a user's oauth token information */
stateType?: StateOptions

* How long until the initial login sequence cookie expires. Shorter times may impact users who may take a while
* to finish logging in.
authCookieTimeout: number;

/** Overrides the default routes created to handle keycloak interactions */
routePaths?: CustomRouteUrl;

/** Overrides the default configuration for all routes */
globalRouteConfig?: KeycloakRouteConfig;

* When a role rule doesn't specify a specific client, the default is to use the current `client_id` when
* searching through the `resource_access` key of the JWT for required roles. Overridable here.
defaultResourceAccessKey?: string;

/** When true, a case-sensitive search is used to match requirements to user's roles */
caseSensitiveRoleCheck?: boolean;

/** Optional claims required when verifying user-provided JWTs */
jwtClaims?: {
/** Require the user-provided JWT to be intended for a particular audience */
audience?: string;

/** Ensures the party to which the JWT was issued matches provided value. By default, azp must match the current `client_id` */
azp?: string | AzpOptions;

/** Allows you to specify a built-in or pass a custom key provider */
keyProvider?: ClassConstructor<AbstractKeyProvider>;

Config Types

export enum StateOptions {
MIXED = 1,

export type CustomRouteUrl = {
_prefix?: string;
loginPage?: string;
loginPost?: string;
loginListener?: string;
logoutPage?: string;
logoutPost?: string;
callback?: string;
logoutCallback?: string;
publicKeys?: string;
adminUrl?: string;
backChannelLogout?: string;
userStatus?: string;
publicDir?: string;

export type KeycloakRouteConfig = {
public: true,
autoRedirect?: boolean,
} | {
public?: false,
roles: RequiredRoles,
autoRedirect?: boolean,

export enum AzpOptions {
Default unauthenticated requests handling
  • GET - 307 redirect to initiate login request
  • [all other METHODs] - 401 unauthorized

Environmental variables


Security Considerations

  • State-less
    • Refresh token may be susceptible to DOS attack where a large payload is passed from the end-user to the client and the client passes to the OP during an automatic access token refresh